
A township tale movement
A township tale movement

a township tale movement

This was evident from the get-go with the basic backpack I made, which required me to find sticks and grass, and then piece the shape of the backpack together manually. There’s no magic way of crafting items here – players have to manually do everything, from chopping down trees with an axe, mining ore in caverns, to mixing items within the likes of a smelter or furnace.

a township tale movement

This was initially gonna be a 1 sentence reply.The core experience of A Township Tale is based around settling within an abandoned town that you’ve discovered, with players uncovering all sorts of tools in order to craft new items. House building and other form of town customization are things I really look forward to. Id say the town right now has that no-mans land vibe to some extent. From our perspective, that just removes a lot of immersion, and at the end of the day really makes the 'physical' town a no-mans land. Most solutions to this in multiplayer games tend to move towards instanced houses, etc. With hundreds of players, this culture blurs, and there's not enough 'town' to go around. With features in the future such as house building, more town customization, etc, the town will really be a representation of the town members, their culture, and the work they have put in. There may be small gangs, or larger clans, and you may occasionally have newcomers, but never the 30+ new players a day that US1 sees.Ī big part of this, is because we want players to have influence and ownership of the world. The general 'vibe' we're always aiming for is that of a small community where most people at least know of eachother. This may definitely be something we consider down the line after we have fleshed out more content. That being said, we're not actively striving to support say 50 people online concurrently without issues. We'd love to support larger numbers, and as you can see, there's no cap.

A township tale movement